Delectable Food Life

What can I help you make?


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Hi! I’m Sherie

Before being a food photographer and cook, I ran a family business, but my passion was always food and nutrition. I returned to school (Bauman College) and graduated in 2018 as a Nutrition Consultant. The knowledge from this experience helped me learn how to do research and develop recipes.

Delectable Food Life is all about sharing gluten-free recipes that are easy to prepare and delicious to share with family and friends!

Sherie’s Favorites

  • Chocolate Peanut Butter Overnight Oats

    The Best Chocolate Peanut Butter Overnight Oats

  • Honey Salmon Tacos with Fresh Peach Salsa

    The Best Pan Seared Honey Salmon Tacos with Peach Salsa

  • Ginger Honey Chicken

    The Best Honey Ginger Chicken Recipe – Juicy!


Enjoy these easy and delicious beverage recipes!

  • Glass of high fiber chocolate protein smoothie
  • Blueberry Protein Smoothie in Glass with Flowers
  • Place Ice in Glass
  • Glass of Virgin Tequila Sunrise Mocktail surrounded by fresh citrus

What can I help you make?

  • Is the 20ppm Gluten Threshold Enough?

    If you have celiac disease or are part of the gluten-free community, there’s no doubt…

  • Woman at doctors with celiac disease

    Gluten-Free Living

    Can Stress Trigger Celiac or Gluten Intolerance in Later Life

  • How to use flaxseed

    Gluten-Free Living

    Health Benefits of Flaxseed – Practical and Easy

  • Pouring PB2 Smoothie into a glass with powdered peanut butter

    Gluten-Free Living

    Powdered Peanut Butter – Delicious and Easy!

Ingredients for Lemon Mojito Mocktail


Where Gluten-Free Community Happens!

Join my private Facebook Group Gluten-Free, Delectably, and connect with other gluten-free foodies to share recipes, tips, and support.